Services Provided

We are currently underwritten by Fidelity National Title Insurance Company as well as Old Republic National Title Insurance Company.

Along with the above services the following searches and reports can be provided to you separately:

Property information searches
-60 Year County
-Record Owner
Including UCC’s and Federal Tax Liens

Upper Court Searches
-State Superior Court, US District Court, and US Bankruptcy Court
-Chancery Abstract
-Child support judgment
-Patriot name

Municipal Searches
-Tax Assessment and Utilities
-Flood Search
-Tideland Search
-Wetland Search

Corporate Searches
-Corporate Status Reports
-Certificates of Good Standing
-Franchise Tax
-Certificate of Regularity
-State UCC’s

And 1099-S Reporting, if necessary Closing Department Services Our closing department services that we provide to our clients include the following:

-Obtaining accurate and up to date payoffs -Speaking to the lender’s point of contact to insure that all the documents and materials necessary for a successful closing are exchanged

-Preparing a HUD and the correct Affidavit of Title

-Insuring the lender receives the closing package via overnight courier once the closing takes place.

-Recording of the Deed, Mortgage, Releases, Subordinations, Modifications and any other documents that may be necessary to record depending on the specific transaction

-Disbursal of Bank funds to the appropriate parties -Issuing of Title Policy once title has been cleared





County Search Examination Charge



Additional Chains of Title

-In County


Settlement Service

-In Office 9 - 5
In Office after hours
Out of Office 9 -5 (First 90 min.*)
Out of Office after hours (First 90 min.*)

(*25 for each additional hour)

Pass Through Charges, charged at actual cost

-Upper Court Searches
-Tax Searches
-Municipal Assessment Searches
-Chancery Abstracts
-Water Charge Searches
-Corporate Reports
-Uniform Commercial Code Searches
-Public Utility or Sewer Authority Reports



-Planned Unit Development (ALTA 5.1)
-Variable Rate (ALTA 6, 6.1 & 6.2)
-Restricion (ALTA 9)
-Revolving Loan
-FNMA Balloon
-Secondary Mortgage Market
-Reverse Annuity
-Environmental (ALTA 8.1)
-Street Assessment (ALTA 1)



Other Charges

-Preparation of Legal Description
-Document Recording (per document)
-Simultaneous Issue
-Closing Service Letter



Right to Impose Special Charges and Cancellation Rates will be charged as applicable.

Basic Rate is used in all cases not covered by Reissue Rate or Refinance Rate

Reissue Rate is used if an Owner's Title Policy issued within 10 years insuring the present owners is provided. (up to the amount of the said policy).

Refinance Rate (Recast of Substitution Loan) is used for a refinance, recast or substitution loan by same borrower on the same property up to the face amount of the existing mortgage(s)




Title Insurance fees combine underwriting premiums, endorsment fees, service charges, searches and closing costs. This rate card contains the rates and charges which most frequently apply in a Title Insurance transaction. A Comprehensive Manual containing all rates and charges and the rules governing their applicablility has been approved by the New Jersey Comissioner of Insurance. Reference should be made to this Comprehensive Manual for the complete rating system.